Ph: 02 9790 0377
Request a quotePh: 02 9790 0377
Request a quoteLicenced Real Estate Agent
Carl has been successfully selling Real Estate by Auction and Private Treaty in the Canterbury/Bankstown and Sydney Metropolitan areas since 1979. Over the years he has compiled a vast database of builders, developers, investors, professionals and homebuyers who have an “appetite” for good Residential Real Estate. Past clients have included Department of Housing, NSW Trustee & Guardian, Sydney Water, St George Community Housing, National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank and Westpac Bank all of which have had 100% success rate at Auction. The secret to Carl’s successful sales is his successful marketing programs which are tailor made to achieve the best possible price for his clients. Carl has received multiple awards from EAC – the real estate industry co-operative. Carl has experience in all types of Residential Sales including land, houses, units, villa/townhouses, development sites and blocks of units.
Venue: Auction onsite
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction Onsite
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site
Venue: Auction On Site